Dec 23, 2018.
Version 18.12 is now available for DOWNLOAD!
The new Mask: Apply filter makes it possible to mask filters without using
multiple tracks! Use Mask: Simple Shape or Mask: From File to start the
filter mask followed the video filters to be masked followed by Mask: Apply
to apply the mask to the filters in between. Filters before or after the mask
filters affect the entire video frame. One can still use Mask: Simple Shape
or the new Mask: From File to affect the alpha channel for multitrack
compositing as before.
New Features
- Added View > Scopes > Video Histogram.
- Added Preset to some more filters:
- Audio Gain/Volume
- Blur
- Brightness
- Opacity
- Added Preset and simple and advanced keyframes to the Balance and Pan audio filters.
- Added a Levels video filter with simple and advanced keyframes!
- Added Properties > Color Range for video clips.
- Replace the Mask video filter with 3 new filters:
- Mask: Simple Shape
- Mask: From File
- Mask: Apply

The new Mask: From File is a powerful new video filter offering 3 modes:
- wipe transition (stock or custom)
- Channel > Brightness from a video or image file (File > Custom…)
- Channel > Alpha from a video or image file
Moreover, Threshold can be animated with simple or keyframes, which is
especially nice when used with luma-wipe image files (stock or custom). Not only
can you wipe on a filter but also you can use this as an alternative way to make
a wipe transition using multiple tracks (instead of same track transition).
- Fixed color accuracy of lossless/Ut Video preset and use yuv422p format.
- Fixed number of digits for seconds in the Timer video filter when using Format > MM:SS.SS.
- Fixed compositing completely transparent areas of alpha channel darkens output.
- Fixed some generators (Color Bars, Ising, Lissajous, Plasma) not working correctly in Timeline.
- Fixed Settings > External Monitor > DeckLink/Intensity can stall when Settings > Realtime is enabled.
- Fixed making project folder if a parent folder does not exist.
- Fixed New Project > Start does not save a .mlt file until you open media and save.
- Fixed launch on some Linux (e.g. gentoo) by including libselinux .
- Fixed crash when undo Playlist > Remove All.
- Fixed auto-saved file not removed when save and exit with no changes.
- Fixed the color accuracy of the Color generator.
- Fixed numeric locale bug in the Audio Spectrum Visualization and Audio Waveform Visualization filters.
- Fixed clip reloaded when leaving Properties > Speed with no change.
- Fixed Settings > External Monitor on Windows screen.
- Fixed launch crash on Linux with (Csound) csladspa < 6.11.1 installed.
Changes and Improvements
- Improved color accuracy of internal RGB-to-YUV conversions.
- Changed Quality to 100% when using the intermediate/ProRes preset.
- Added 16:9, 9:16, and 1:1 aspect ratios for transition wipes.
- Moved Properties > Reverse… from the overflow menu to a button.
- Changed Properties > Reverse… to use project folder if used.
- When Reverse job completes, automatically open it and add it to the Playlist.
- Start playback from the beginning if you play when the play head is at the end.
- Improved speed of the Text and Timer video filters.